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  December 2004

Current Affairs
WMC Regional Conference held in Nigeria

Dr. Omar Nasseef stress on educating younger generation*

A two-days Regional Conference of World Muslim Congress (Motamar Al-Alam Al-Islami) was held in IIorin, Capital of Kawara State, Nigeria. Over 500 delegates comprising Ministers, former rulers, tribal chiefs, university professors, religious Scholars and intellectuals attended the Conference. Dr Abdullah Omer Nasseef, President of World Muslim Congress presided-over the Opening Session. Raja Muhammad Zafarul Haq, Secretary General of the World Muslim Congress presided over the Second Session, Mr. M.H. Mohammed, Vice President, World Muslim Congress from Sri Lanka and Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah and Sheikh YousnfAl-Hijji, former Minister of Religious Affairs, Kuwait also attended the Conference.

Dr. Abdullah Omer Nasseef while addressing the opening session urged the Muslims to pay more attention to educating the younger generations of Muslims of their region so that they are prepared to face new challenges of the times. He pleaded for unity and coordination amongst the Muslim leadership in the Continent to secure the future of the coming generations.

Raja Muhammad Zafarul Haq in his address, appealed to the gathering to avoid internal conflicts and also to inculcate discipline and develop better understanding and good relations with the followers of other faiths. He also appealed for investing maximum resources in the education sector especially in educating young Muslim girls. He advised them to avoid at all costs, conflicts that debilitate Muslim societies and affect the future and potential of the coming generations. He said Islam gives highest importance to human rights and human dignity irrespective of belief, colour, caste or creed. It is one of the distinctive features of our faith, he told the conference.

Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah representing Dr. Uamid Al-Rtfae, Assistant Secretary General, who was in the United States on a similar mission briefed the gathering about the efforts of the Muslim World Congress in the field of inter-faith dialogue. The heads of World Muslim Congress local offices in Nigeria, Somalia and Tanzania, also briefed the Conference about the activities of their offices, which were appreciated.

At the conclusion of the two-day Conference, a statement was issued calling for resolution of outstanding conflicts affecting the Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir and fro the protection of Muslim minorities in various countries where they are facing difficulties. A message of gratitude was sent to the President of Nigeria, Excellency Mr. Oba Sanjo and the State Governor for their cooperation in holding this important conference. – Abdul Razzah Ibrahim Salman, Executive Director, WMC IIorin, Nigeria.