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For the last about 20 years a section of western so-called intellectuals were propagating the theme of “clash of civilizations” and were clearly targeting Islam and Muslims. With the US-led aggression against Iraq the massive reaction throughout the world was spearheaded by exceptionally large gatherings in the Christian world, especially in those countries whose governments were siding with the USA. Christian leaders such as Pope Paul II and Church leaders in UK of all denominations opposed war. There were peace demonstrations right in the United States. This phenomena has amply proved the clash of civilization theory as baseless and given birth to a new alliance of people for justice and peace.

It has been observed that the present US Administration is dominated by the elements which have the character of isolationism and unilateralism in their planning. Some people think that both these characteristics are two sides of the same coin. The rejection by the US Administration and walk out from the Koyoto Protocol shocked the whole world, especially those who thought that a unified and comprehensive plan of action can improve the ecological balance necessary for sustaining a healthy life on the globe. The action of the United States has seriously hampered these efforts unless the new Administration has the proper realization of the damage their action has caused to this global cause.

Secondly, after a debate of several years it was decided to establish an International Criminal Court to try scheduled offences, especially crimes against humanity. Once again US opposed the establishment of ICC and ultimately accepted this institution on the condition that it will not apply to the US citizens. Furthermore when people were arrested from various areas during Afghan operation they were taken to Guantanamo Bay Camp where serious allegations of torture and inhuman treatment were made by international Human Rights organizations but the reaction of the US Administration was that Geneva Conventions or Human Rights Charter did not apply to the inmates of this Camp X-Ray, and people continue to suffer humiliations even today.

US warns Iran against actions in Iraq

Washington: The United States said it has warned Iran against “any outside interference” in Iraq amid concerns that Tehran has sent agents there, perhaps to push its brand of Islamic government.

“We have well-known channels of communication with Iran and we have made clear to Iran that we would oppose any outside interference in Iraq’s road to democracy,” said White House spokesman Ari Fleischer.

“Infiltration of agents to destabilise the Shia population would clearly fall into that category,” the spokesman told reporters.

Earlier, The New York Times, citing US officials, reported that Iran-trained agents were crossing into southern Iraq to promote friendly Shiite clerics and possibly an Iranian model of Islamic government.

The unnamed officials told the daily that, based on intelligence reports, some agents were members of the Badr Brigade, the military wing of an Iraqi exile group operating from Iran, and irregular members of a special unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

“They are not looking to promote a democratic agenda,” one military official told the Times.

“We have concerns about this matter, about Iranian agents in Iraq,” Fleischer said, adding: “We’ve made our thoughts clear to the Iranians.”

Whatever the outcome of military operation against Iraq the whole Middle Eastern region would remain destabilized for a long time. It has been observed that the United States and its allies can win the war with their overwhelming superiority of weaponry but peace would remain illusive. This situation requires a global coordination amongst civil society to redouble their efforts for saving the world from further brutalization. Human values which have become a basis of our international culture should be preserved without discrimination. There should be efforts to stop new spiral of violence and terrorism, generally predicted after the military action in Iraq.

There have been expressions of disappointment regarding lack of activity by the OIC. The potential of this organization has raised the hopes of the Muslim masses and that too justifiably. The level of activity of such organizations is determined by the collective will of its constituent member governments. Of course the general masses have been more vocal than the official circles. There has to be an immediate special session to enhance and improve the performance of this organization, to really reflect the collective will of the Ummah. We cannot afford to disappoint more than a billion and a quarter Muslims facing injustice, persecution and sometime outright genocide in several areas