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The Muslim World

Annual Conference of International Council for Da'wa & Relief, held in Cairo

The annual two-day Conference of the International Council for Da'wa & Relief, was held in Cairo on Sept 12 & 13.

The inaugural session was presided over by Sheikh-ul-Azhar Ahmad Muhamed Tayyab and participated by over 52 international Islamic organizations from all over the world.

The Conference was addressed by Sheikh-ul-Azhar, who is also the Chairman of the Council others who addressed the conference included Masheer Abdel Rah man Mohammad Sowar Al-Dahab and Dr. Abdullah Omar Nasseef, Secretary General of the Council and President of World Muslim Congress. They spoke on the burning issues confronting the Muslims all over the World especially the issue of Palestine, AI-Qudus Al-Sharif, the release of a despicable video on YouTube; the issue of Rohingyas in Burma, and the possible solution of these issues.

During the next working session, various participants expressed their views on these major issues and the conference deliberations.

Senator Raja Muhammad Zafar-uI-Haq, Secretary General of the World Muslim Congress, (Motamar Al-Alam Al-Islami), addressed the participants on the developments in the Middle East and North Africa. He expressed his hope, that the new administrations which came as a result of Peoples revolution in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen, would come up to the expectations of their people and bring stability and progress in their societies.

On the issue of continuing persecution of Muslims in Burma, he suggested that the process of inter-faith dialogue is the only course open for peaceful resolution and it is in the interest of humanity that we score out violence, as much as possible, from human lives, which is also one of the basic tenets of Islam, as a religion of peace and mutual respect. He pointed out that so far the stress has been laid on the dialogue between Muslims and Christians. It is necessary in the light of the recent developments, the scope of the dialogue has to be expanded especially with the vast Buddhist population in the East Asian and Far Eastern regions and in this connection World Muslim Congress should take the initiative.

He also stressed the need for concerted efforts on the part of NGOs during the coming session of the United Nations General Assembly where there is a possibility of a debate on granting Non-State Member status to Palestine.

The burning issue of violence in Syria with its possible divisive fall-out in the international Muslim community also came under discussion.

The latest situation in Occupied Kashmir was also discussed in order to stress the need for a democratic and peaceful resolution of this issue in accordance with the resolutions of the Untried Nations.

The latest developments especially the relations between the Islamic Republic of Sudan and South Sudan were also discussed, expressing solidarity with the wise policies of the Islamic Republic of Sudan.

In the final session, several Committees were formed to carry-out the decisions of the Conference especially the issue of Muslim minorities living in non-Muslim countries.

The Conference expressed its gratitude for the excellent arrangements and hospitality extended to it by the Government of Excellency President Mohamed Mursi and Al-Azhar-al-Sharif.